
Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Athletics Day

First thing we did was lining up because on Friday it was Athletics day we had to wear our house colour then we had to go to the court and sit down to listen to Mr Burt our first sport was tug of war.

Our second sport was the high jump Mrs King was teaching us about the high jump that you can’t hit the pole because if you do you will have to go to Mrs Davis to do the easy high jump.

Our third sport was the spiriting we had to be in lines then Mr Burt says that we have to stay in lines until he gives you a number and line up by the lane then you run to the cone and come back to Mr Burt in a line if you come first ,second, third or fourth you have to run again in the finals.

Our fourth sport is disks where you have to throw one and it can’t go out the white line then you have to miss a turn also you have to be careful to not hit or hurt people you have to have your own space before you throw the disks

Our fifth sport was the wheelbarrow race where you have to have a buddy and carry your buddies leg also cheer for them when they are last because you will have to be in different groups and different buddies but the same house color.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Athletics day

First thing we did was lining up because on Friday it was Athletics day we had to were our color then we had to go to the court and sit down to listen to Mr Burt our first sport was tug of war.

Our second sport was the high jump Mrs King was teaching us about the high jump that you can’t hit the pole because if you do you will have to go to Mrs Davis to do the easy high jump.

Our third sport was the spiriting we had to be in lines then Mr Burt says that we have to stay in line until he gives you a number and line up by the lane then you run to the cone and come back.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Manaiakalani film festival

A day full of joy my class was jumping on the bus to go to the Manaiakalani film festival .I was sitting with my friends with excitement and waiting anxiously for our school movies with joy also I was cheering with my friends for our class movie.

I was feeling really proud of myself and all of the teachers in point england school. But I’m also proud of Mr Moran,Mrs Davis and Mrs King for making our class movie  even our presenters to talk in front of the whole school.

My favorite movie was go for gold also room 18s movie it was amazing and funny .Because when Mamarei had hugged Levonah she had not gave up also had crossed the finish line first before everyone I had felt proud of Amira to be the teacher and Mamarei to be Levonahs coach my most favorite movie was the go for gold from Mrs Davis.

Thursday, 10 November 2016


I knew some girls called Bella,Katie,Kathleen and Ella they were trying to solve a big problem that is around the world when they had found a problem that someone had been devastating of someone that been attacked by a killer clown.

Bella,Kathleen,Ella ,Katie were making a invention to solve that problem they had made an invention called the killer clown invention it can get a clown or a killer clown any time the killer clown invention the person's  name was Daisy she was sad because her sister Minnie had been attacked  also her mum was attacked but not from a killer clown just from a clown.

So Bella and Kathleen were Minnie's best friend Ella and Katie were Daisy’s best friend they never get along when Daisy had last saw her was when it was halloween daisy was a wolf minnie was a werewolf but someone had been a killer clown there mum was with her friends and Daisy was too minnie was alone a clown was about to hurt her when mum and daisy came minnie was dead minnie cried daisy that was when I saw her but in a haunted house she was my next door neighbour she was my little sister a girl had been dead in there every night she comes to spy on me .