
Friday, 31 August 2018

Convert these measurements to either mm or cm

Convert these measurements to either mm or cm

1 a.
50 mm  = 5cm

1 b.
80 mm  = 8cm

2 a.
30 mm  = 3 cm

2 b.
2 cm  = 20 mm

3 a.
100 mm  = 10 cm

3 b.
10 cm  = 100 mm

4 a.
6 cm  = 60 mm

4 b.
7 cm  = 70 mm

5 a.
40 mm  = 40 cm

5 b.
9 cm  = 90 mm

6 a.
30 mm  = 3 cm

6 b.
3 cm  = 30 mm

7 a.
10 cm  = 100 mm

100 mm  = 10 cm

How to plant a seed.

Today you will have had a chance to plant a seed in your very own planter. You now need to write instructions for someone else who wants to plant their own seeds. You need to use the planning space below to help you:
What equipment will you need to plant a seed?
  • A planter,seeds,soil and water
What are the steps required to plant a seed?
  1. Get a sheet 2. Get a planter and soil.3. Then put the soil in the planter half way.4. Then put in a seed. 5. And put the soil on  top. 6. Water the seed then leave it for 3 weeks.
What will you need to do to care for your seed so that it will grow?
Have sunlight and after each day you water it and make sure that it has oxygen.
  1. How long does it say that your plant will take to grow?
  2. How long do you think it will take to grow?
  1. 5-8 days and I think it will grow in 3 weeks instead.
Firstly you will need A planter,seeds,soil and water for the equipment you need then the steps  1. Get a sheet 2. Get a planter and soil.3. Then put the soil in the planter half way.4. Then put in a seed. 5. And put the soil on  top. 6. Water the seed then leave it for 3 weeks. You need to care about your plant because it needs to have sunlight and after each day you water it and make sure that it has oxygen then my plant will grow 5-8 days and I think it will grow in 3 weeks instead.  

The End

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Ned's Kindness adventure

It was about Ned’s trip and how to help people who don’t  have clean water,
Ned is a person who helps us be kind to everyone
To meet different people and be kind to whoever you don’t even know.

Different can be good
Include others caring is cool
I can make friends anywhere
People matter a lot

Friday, 3 August 2018

Kumara Treats

Goldilocks and the 3 bears

Once upon a time there lived a family of three bears and a girl called Goldi. The reason that she is called Goldi is because she had gold hair. Goldi found a house but she didn’t know that it belongs to a family of bears.

She knocked on the door and said is there anyone in here then she walked inside. Inside there was nothing on the table but apples.So Goldi just walked around then came back to
the table to see the apples I’m very hungry though there is apples.

First Goldie tried the big apple it’s to big says Goldie next she tried the medium apple it’s perfect except I need a smaller apple next she tried the smaller apple. Goldie says it’s perfect and very juicy and Goldie ate all of it then walked into the living room and saw three couch’s.

I need to sit down Goldie try’s the big couch it’s to big. Next Goldie try’s the second one it’s to soft but She sat down on the small one it is perfect.  But Goldie broke the chair know i’m sleepy then she walked upstairs and walked to the little bed and went to sleep.

Meanwhile the bears just came back but they saw that the door was half open. So they were surprised and were starting to walk inside. The bears saw everything was how they the bears left it but  just noticed that someone had bitten their apple but no one was in there house.
So they checked the living room next then they saw that the little bears couch was broken .Then they walked into the bedroom and saw Goldie sleeping on the bed. Goldie woke up and saw the bears she was terrified so she tried to run downstairs but the bears blocked the stairs.

The bears told Goldi that she can visit the bears but can not mess the house then the bears told Goldi that she can stay over if she wants. But Goldi runs home and says goodbye to the bears then they lived  happily ever after.

The End