
Monday, 10 August 2020


Keep - Go carts,Air rifles (reference to year 8 camp)

Add - Communication

Stop - giving each other attitude

Why do we have these events?

So we can have fun!

TWTW - Taha Wairua!

(Taha Whanau) 

 Today we had a task to do which was about the year 8 camp and year 7 step-up.So this is about comparing the things we did and we also had to say what needs to stop,what we need to add and things we need to keep.

Leadership (2) (Team Captains)

 Today we had the year 7 & 8 leaders telling everyone about what they enjoyed during the 3 days.

Here are the things the year 7 leaders said: 

  • It was fun seeing others helping those who needed help.
  • Everyone was showing encouragement to those who were doing the minute to win it.
  • Whenever someone was doing something wrong the others tried to show the person how to do the activity 
  • It was showing how people were stepping out of their comfort zone.
  • Everybody was capable with each other no matter what. 
Now here are what the Year 8's said:

  • During the 3 days  sometimes people got a bit nervous/scared so they would try to sleep with someone next to them.
  • When someone didn't know or didn't want to do the activities their team would encourage them and show them how to do the activities.
  • Everyone was capable with anything which shows teamwork.
  • Everyone was respectful.
  • The teams tried to do their best.
  • (I can't really remember what they actually said.)   

    Leadership (1) (3 days)

    On Wednesday most of the year 8's went to their leadership camp while the year 7’s (and some year 8’s who didn’t go camp) were back at school to learn about becoming leaders for the school while the year 8’s were at camp.All of the year 7’s were put into groups with the remaining teachers who didn’t go camp (Mrs Moala,Mrs llaoa & Mrs Tipene) and I was with Mrs Moala.Since we didn’t have a name for the group the 2 group leaders (Nina & Mohammed) decided to choose Thunder for the name.We also had a chant for the group which was “Thunder,we’re the thunder.Yeah we are the thunder! (Thunder)”.We also had our first rotation with Mrs Moala (Murder Investigation,Riddles) and we just had to help the year 7's but we got around 900 or 9000 points for answering all of the riddles.

    For the second day we had our second rotation but this time it was with Mrs Tipene who was doing art.The 5 year 8's had to help the year 7's for the activities.For this activity they had to choose an helpful quote and write it inside a shape they chose.We also had to do cup stacking with Mrs llaoa.

    We also had sports so me and Marie chose to watch the Strikers (Mrs llaoa's Team) play netball.On the final day we had a normal assembly and we had to stay with our groups and we had to try and work on our chant.After morning tea, the teachers announced the winner.In 3rd place it was Strikers,2nd Ducklife and in first it was Thunder which was my group so we got lollies passed around while watching a movie but we also had a shared lunch.