
Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Transit of Venus,Captain Cook

 Today we had to complete 2 tasks for reading and this was about Captain Cook and the Transit Of Venus. 

 Transit of Venus -                              

Like Earth, Venus travels around the sun but it follows a closer orbit.

 Sometimes the planet’s path takes it between the earth and sun. Whenever this happens, we can see Venus move across the sun’s face. This is called a “Transit”. Even though Venus Transits are rare they are also predictable. They are located in pairs but at least 8 years apart but separated by long gaps which either consist 105 or 121 years. 

In 1716, a English astronomer called “Edmond Halley” worked out a way to use the transit of Venus to calculate the distance between Earth and Sun.
Around the early 18th century, people didn’t really have this information.

Over a hundred scientists watched the transit of Venus in 1761, but some couldn’t really take the accurate measurements because there was bad weather. But luckily they tried once again after 8 years (1769) .

 (But if they were unsuccessful they would have to wait another 105 years.)

So the 1769 transit was watched from various places like Canada, Norway and Russia. Then they combined the results from 1761 and their successful transit together. After a few years they discovered that the Earth is at least 93, 727, 000 miles away from the sun.

So if we use our modern day technology preferably a radar we would know that it’s around 149, 600 , 000 kilometers.

(Which one do you think was better? 1761/1769 or now?)

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Kei te pehea te ahua o te rangi?


 Today we had to do a Maori task mainly since it's Maori Language Week.We had to make a video with a partner to describe what the weather would be. "Kei Te Pehea Te Ahua O Te Rangi ? " means "What is the weather today ? " . For the create task we either could (1) create a poster (2) Comic strip (3) Record a video so we chose to record a video so that we could try to pronounce the words ourselves. 

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Taniwha Description

Task description - Today we had to complete a task for next week and this task is about creating our own Taniwha (Mythical creature) .We had to use Maori names , powers , height , eye colour , hair colour and skin colour . I tried to do my best and this is how it turned out.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Te Reo Maori


Task description - Yesterday we had Te Reo and it's all about our Hair color. We had to take a video with a partner so we can pronounce the words and my partner was Daniella.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

The incredible tale of the real-life Lord of Flies

 Today for writing we had to watch a few Tongan videos and describe what was in the video.I chose to watch a video called "The incredible tale of the real-life Lord of Flies".

Lord of Flies is a short but slightly a old tale basically about someone who is known to be the "Lord of Flies". Around the 60's possibly in June (the date of this) there was somethings that happened possibly in Tonga (since it's based of the country) there were some men walking up some dangerous rocks by the sea while holding fish (I think it's fish) , Once they reached near the top all the men held up the raw fish and started eating it's raw flesh.

Another pair of men (preferably the same men) went into a forest and started looking around. They suddenly created a fire while using sticks and kept the fire warm. After that , they grabbed more fish and put it near the fire then slowly ate it . Some people chopped an entire tree to build something which would be important/helpful . Once that happened some other people stood around the fire and then a ship came basically near the water so they slowly walked inside and when they reached the top they all slightly got happy and 2 by 2 jumped out of the boat

Monday, 7 September 2020

Taha Hinengaro


Task description - From today we have to learn about Tonga and everything about Tonga since it's Tongan language week.For this task we had to write one thing about Tonga's history,4 ways to say something positive in Tongan and when Tonga was founded/created and named.

Friday, 4 September 2020

Taha Tinana


Task description - Today we had to do Taha Tinana which is all about your physical well being.We had to do a poster to show what you can do at Home,Classrooms and your Community.

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Taha Hinengaro

Task description - Today we had to make a poster about Taha Hinengaro which is all about your mind,heart,conscience,thoughts and feelings.