
Friday, 28 October 2016

The bush

There once was 4 people their names are Rosie, Katie , John , and James they were walking in the bush to solve a mystery of 2 people lost  their name is Daisy  and Tom they had come to have a walk but they got hurt because they needed to find a place to practice their new experiment but Rosie said that we need to find Daisy and Tom and  we have to split so we don’t be together I will be with Katie John and James will be with each other but Katie told everyone that she might know where they are because she has only seen  but not Tom even daisy doesn't know where Tom might be last time she has seen Tom was when he got scared from a creature  like a ghost Daisy had been frightened then she had ran fast away from the ghost and  kilclown  Rosie and Katie had saved Tom and Daisy Katie had told them where to go Daisy and Tom found somewhere else to do their experiment at a laboratory .

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Ginger beer

Today we were wet because our ginger beer had expoled and Miss king , Mr Moran had laghed at us also I got really wet we got to taste the ginger it has tasted sweet and a it was a little bit sour but it was nice

Friday, 21 October 2016


Once there was a girl named Ella and her mum told Ella to go to sleep. One night when Ella woke up in middle of the night  she was in the middle of nowhere she was all alone Ella felt scared .

Ella had teleported in the middle of africa  she had a journey Ella really wanted to go home she had felt petrified Ella had missed her mum then Ella had again teleported around the world.

Ella had teleported to the park where she had found the teleporter then Ella had went to  her home but she really had missed her mum then she went to her mum and hugged her but Ella’s little brother max missed Ella too and they lived happily ever after the end.

Friday, 14 October 2016


Once there was 3 girl scientists and 3 boy scientists there names are Cutie pie ,Grace ,Davinia and Fuzzy ,John ,Glenn there experiment was about an explosion. They made mentos and coke they had put some socks then Davina had put milk eggs some mentos so they were ready to do there explosion before everyone had put on a white jacket and had to put the test tube on they had counted down from 10 then they had a smokey building Fuzzy ,John and Glenn was scared for their life there laboratory was smokey so Grace told Cutie pie,Davinia and Fuzzy that we will work on another experiment about making elephant toothpaste then Davina had put some more socks Grace had put some more milk Cutie pie had put some eggs and some more mentos then again they count down from 10 then the elephant toothpaste had exploded .


Once there was a superhero team called thunder friends. There names are, Hope ,Tatia , Zaeeda and Amira there superpowers are Hope’s power is to make things grow.Tatia’s power is flying. Zaeeda’s power is being invisible and Amira’s power is  saving people   and reading .Then Mamarei and megan can’t find their painting then Amira said ‘’I will use my superpower then Amira was flying also Hope had made a hill grow then Hope told a painting man ‘’Did you see a painting no said the painting man they had found there paintings outside the end.