Once there was 3 girl scientists and 3 boy scientists there names are Cutie pie ,Grace ,Davinia and Fuzzy ,John ,Glenn there experiment was about an explosion. They made mentos and coke they had put some socks then Davina had put milk eggs some mentos so they were ready to do there explosion before everyone had put on a white jacket and had to put the test tube on they had counted down from 10 then they had a smokey building Fuzzy ,John and Glenn was scared for their life there laboratory was smokey so Grace told Cutie pie,Davinia and Fuzzy that we will work on another experiment about making elephant toothpaste then Davina had put some more socks Grace had put some more milk Cutie pie had put some eggs and some more mentos then again they count down from 10 then the elephant toothpaste had exploded .
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